Category: Film Photography

6 May 2024

Tuesday 7th May sees us Level 5 Students sit down with Sylvia for an assessment tutorial before the final hand in on the 9th May, this Thursday.
She has helpfully given us the info on the topics of conversation.

29 April 2024
21 April 2024

Today was the last day of our Level 5 Exhibition – Timeless Perspectives at the Eagle Works, Wolverhampton.

We had opened on Thursday with a private view and then yesterday saw a couple of people come and view the exhibition. Would today bring more visitors?

19 April 2024

Today is Friday 19th April, and the exhibition that opened yesterday has had a full day open in the Eagle Works. Five of us invigilated between 11am and 5pm. How did the opening go? and how many visitors did we see on the first full day of being open?

26 March 2024

In this final post about the Japan trip in January 2024 I wrap up my thoughts and feelings about the adventure. What I liked about the place, people and other subjects and what I didn’t.

9 March 2024
3 March 2024

The time has come to return to the UK and end my Japanuary adventure in the Land Of The Rising Sun. The last post saw me getting in to bed earlyish (about 1am) and setting my alarm for 5am. Did I wake up in time?

2 March 2024
20 February 2024

Time for the third shoot within the factory, and this time it’s after shutdown, when everyone has left for the Christmas break. I find out that I have the factory in my DNA.

18 February 2024
18 February 2024
15 February 2024
11 February 2024
8 February 2024

today was a trip to Hiroshima on the famous Bullet Train. It was a moving experience, both the train and the city of the first atomic bombing.

6 February 2024

Day one of my trip to tokyo, Japan. Well it’s more like two days as the flight saw me flying on Saturday and landing in Tokyo on Sunday. This post deals with the flights and the Sunday.

4 February 2024

This week we were off to London to visit the Photographers’ Gallery for the Daido Moriyama Retrospective and the V&A Photography Centre for a walk around the Energy: Sparks from the Collection.

8 January 2024
7 January 2024
24 December 2023
4 December 2023