Semester 2 sees us pick up a new brief of working with a band from…
Tag: artists
A task on post modernism and also a chance to print some images in the darkroom, after developing a 35 mm film first.
Week 3 and Sylvia tasked us with reading an essay by Martha Rosler and interpreting it. What does it mean? After reading it a few times I did get something out of it, have a read what my thoughts wre.
This summer, I as selected to exhibit some of my work at the wonderful Shrewsbury Arts Trail, alongside some of the world’s greatest artists.
Today we talked about how work can be re-interpreted and used to make original pieces of art. On top of this we learnt how to properly reflect on our work..
Exhibition: Development Of My Work
From the beginnings of an idea, this post details my “Practice” throughout this year, leading to the exhibition which has just closed. It contains information on installation, opening, running and conclusions about the whole process.