A walk around Wolverhampton and a conversation between two artists at Wolverhampton Art Gallery.
Tag: university
This Monday came around and Brian , my coursemate from the course at Wolverhampton University, had organised to meet Wooden Dog for a photo shoot at the BIMM Live Rooms.
The Exhibition is here, The Matter Of The Black Country, at Centrala. We still had to pick up the work, install it and prepare for the opening. This is a brief catch up on the evening of the opening and the work that leads up to it.
This week sees a scramble to get my freshly developed negatives of Dudley Zoo scanned in and then printed out in the darkroom. A session with Jim in the Print hub and a review of the project in the form of a presentation to the rest of the group.
With an assignment to submit, talk of the exhibition and steps left to complete before the set up. Then a quick chat with Euripides about non-standard film processing techniques.
Back to Dudley Zoo again to see if I can get some usable images out of a couple of rolls of Lomography Redscale 50-200. Featuring a YouTube video of som eof my journey around the zoo and how I chose to set up and take the images using my medium format camera.
Time for the conversation between photographers Richard Billingham and Tom Hicks, to discover more about the Black Country and its identity.
Today saw us have a day of production in advance of the Centrala exhibition in January. I concentrated on the rescale films that I’ve had back recently and spent some time printing in the dark room as well as some scanning in the basement.
This week was a bit of printing in the dark room, a presentation of the midway review and a trip to the art gallery.
After the lecturer doesn’t show it’s time to jump in the car and go and continue the project by visiting West Brom, one of the undisputable parts of the Black Country.
Tuesday 7th May sees us Level 5 Students sit down with Sylvia for an assessment tutorial before the final hand in on the 9th May, this Thursday.
She has helpfully given us the info on the topics of conversation.
As part of the exhibition planning and development, I changed from a set of three wooden euro pallets mounted on scaffold poles in a triangular formation with a single image on each of the three sides to a single pallet with three photographs mounted on it.
For the exhibition, Timeless Perspectives at the Eagle Works, Wolverhampton, we needed to complete some…