Category: tutorial

2 May 2024
10 April 2024
20 March 2024
10 March 2024

Two artists attended the University this week, Naomi Greaves and Marley Starskey-Butler. Perfect timing with the contents around exhibitions and with us prepping for our Level 5 Photography exhibition in April.

10 March 2024

This week consists of two days. the first was a Tutorial and a chat about the exhibition which is due to open in mid-April. Have a look at the reasons why I’ve selected some photos and not others along with the overall theme developing of the show.

9 March 2024
9 March 2024
29 January 2024
28 November 2023
3 November 2023
28 October 2023

A fun packed day in Week Four of Semester 1. Some printing, some washing, some spilling of drinks, a tutorial and a fire alarm evacuation.

11 October 2023
8 October 2023
12 May 2023
10 May 2023

This academic year I’ve been working on a project that involves manipulation and disruption of images. This post details where I started from and all the stars that aligned in order for me to produce something I was happy with.

1 May 2023

Semester 2 Week 10 saw us all sit down individually with Alice for a progress review of the academic year so far. Read here to see whether I’m on track or not. Warning: this post contains some rather blatant bragging and flexing.

1 May 2023
2 April 2023

For a book binding workshop I designed and printed a zine of images from University Of Leeds campus. Printed on Riso printer, why did I expend this much effort?

31 March 2023
27 March 2023