Tag: book

6 May 2024

To accompany my exhibition work, the series of three photographs called Shutdown, I created a small zine that contained the three displayed images and the some of the shortlisted works that I decided not to use in the show.

18 February 2024
1 May 2023
2 April 2023

Writing for a Student newspaper? Why would I spend time doing this? What would I even submit? Find out how I got involved, what I did and why I think it’s a great thing to have done.

2 April 2023

For a book binding workshop I designed and printed a zine of images from University Of Leeds campus. Printed on Riso printer, why did I expend this much effort?

7 March 2023

With a book binding workshop in a few weeks I set out to create something that I can bind together and result in something that I might be able to use.

5 March 2023
27 February 2023

Some work on my year long project as discussed with Niki in our Tuestorial. (It’s a tutorial on a Tuesday) Maybe some ideas for the future and the derision of MS WordArt.

26 February 2023

Today’s seminar was to discuss Ethics in Photography and how it impacts all of photography including the photographer, subjects, publishers and wider world.

We were split into groups of two and tasked with discussing what we thought about a number of questions.

26 February 2023

We were given a task to look at works by four authors/photographers and choose one to discuss regarding the ethics involved in the photos included in the volume..

After looking into the photo journalism work of Kevin Carter, Bruce gilden’s book Only God Can Judge Me and Case History by Boris Michailov I chose the option to discuss Richard Billingham’s book, Ray’s A Laugh

14 November 2022

Our Seminar this week ended with a task to find two photos, one an example of the Studium, and another showing a Punctum, as Barthes calls them in his Camera Lucida text. See which images I picked and why they were selected.

16 August 2022

Heat wave in August 2022, what can you do on a really sunny day? Cut the grass, sit and have a beer on the decking, fill the paddling pool, go on hols or try a Cyanotype in the bright sunshine?

30 November 2021