Category: studio

6 May 2024
19 April 2024

Today is Friday 19th April, and the exhibition that opened yesterday has had a full day open in the Eagle Works. Five of us invigilated between 11am and 5pm. How did the opening go? and how many visitors did we see on the first full day of being open?

19 November 2023
16 November 2023
8 November 2023

I used a day holiday from work to go and be an assistant at a photo shoot in the Wolverhampton School Of Art for the Black Country Chamber Of Commerce magazine, Prosper.

31 March 2023
27 March 2023
27 March 2023
12 February 2023

Tuesday Night Print Club saw us look into the magical world of Silk Screen Printing. Laura showed us around the Screen Printing area and helped us make sense of the overwhelming nature of everything in there. We were introduced to the equipment, processes, waste handling and just how messy it can get.

2 February 2023
12 October 2022
29 May 2022

This time it’s Studio Portraiture using the brief of “Fictions Of The Self” where we were to find a portrait painting and reimagine it using photography in the university’s ample studios.

9 May 2022

Revision Week is underway and it’s time to catch up on those outstanding items on the To Do list..

26 April 2022
18 April 2022
29 March 2022
28 March 2022
24 March 2022

It’s studio time again and this week it was recreating famous paintings. My chosen image was a painting of an artist’s self portrait..

16 March 2022

Which paintings have I selected to recreate in the photo studio? Why did I choose these? How will we take the photos?