Tag: printing

6 May 2024

To accompany my exhibition work, the series of three photographs called Shutdown, I created a small zine that contained the three displayed images and the some of the shortlisted works that I decided not to use in the show.

20 March 2024
9 March 2024
18 February 2024
4 December 2023
28 October 2023

A fun packed day in Week Four of Semester 1. Some printing, some washing, some spilling of drinks, a tutorial and a fire alarm evacuation.

1 May 2023
27 March 2023
16 March 2023
7 March 2023

With a book binding workshop in a few weeks I set out to create something that I can bind together and result in something that I might be able to use.

12 February 2023

Tuesday Night Print Club saw us look into the magical world of Silk Screen Printing. Laura showed us around the Screen Printing area and helped us make sense of the overwhelming nature of everything in there. We were introduced to the equipment, processes, waste handling and just how messy it can get.

10 February 2023

This Friday saw us first hit up the web resources for some Research on our year long project and essays, then a trip to the Print Hub to learn about Riso Printing and finally a great chat with my Academic Coach Lauren. A busy day!!

27 October 2022

Time for a chat about ideas for my full year project, and also a little bit of getting back into the swing of Colour Enlarging and printing.

8 November 2021
13 October 2021